Fictional Characters and Toponyms in Kwabena Adi’s “Brako”
onomastics, fictional characters, toponyms, cultural ideology., onomastics, fictional characters, toponyms, cultural ideologyAbstract
This paper examines the creation and use of fictional characters and fictional toponyms in Akan literature, both written and oral. The emphasis is however on a book entitled Brako in Akuapem Twi by Kwabena Adi (1973). The paper looks at the characters and places created by the author and the fictional names given to them. We will analyse the morphology and semantics of these names looking at what they connote, their appropriateness, precision and socio-cultural functions within the Akan society. The paper will then be able to evaluate the creativity of the author and his in-depth knowledge of the Akan language and culture. The paper is based on the theory of onomastics that looks at names and what they connote.
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