Noun modification in Shinyiha
noun modification adjective markedness derived nounAbstract
Modification is a typical defining function of adjectives in the world languages. However, it can be perfomed by single words, phrases or clauses. When dealing with modification of the noun, most studies (Rugemalira 2007, Lusekelo 2009, Van de Velde 2013; Williams 2005 etc) have focused on adjectives or on closed system elements (demonstratives, possessives, distributives, interrogatives etc) that appear within the noun phrase. Little attention has been paid to other marked forms like nouns, verbs, conjoined nous etc. that modify the head noun. This paper focuses on modification of nouns by nouns, verbs, participials, passives and locatives to express different property concepts. The paper uses markedness theory to show the markedness of forms other than pure adjectives to express property concepts. In addition the study shows structural changes taking place within these other modifiers. The study reveals that Shinyiha has several strategies its speakers use to modify the head noun including the use of derived nouns and irregular verbal forms which partake both properties of adjectives and verbs.
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