Table of Contents




Table, Contents, 7(2), Ghana, Journal, Linguistics




Adams Bodomo, Hasiyatu Abubakari and Dewei Che

On Nominalizing the Serial Verb in Mabia Languages 1


Charles Marfo and E. Kweku Osam                                 

Optimal Inflections as Symmetry between Nominal and Verbal Reduplications in Akan 33


Kofi K. Saah                                                                                                                                      The Syntax of Reciprocal Constructions in Akan 52


Seth Antwi Ofori                                                                                                                  

Vowel Doubling before the Verbal Unit -yɛ [jɛ] in Asante Twi 71


Helen Atipoka Adongo and Avea E. Nsoh                                                                              

Vowel Harmony in Gurenɛ 102


Mercy Bobuafor

“Paddling a Canoe and Preparing Rice Balls”: The Semantics of Tafi Cuisine 134


Kofi Agyekum

Fictional Characters and Toponyms in Kwabena Adi’s Brako 154


Grace Diabah and Nana Aba Appiah Amfo                                                                            

To Dance or Not to Dance: Masculinities in Akan Proverbs and their Implications for Contemporary Societies  179


Samuel Gyasi Obeng                                                                                   

Language and Liberty in Ghanaian Political Communication: A Critical Discourse Perspective 199


Akosua Anyidoho                                                                                        

Shifting Sands: Language Policies in Education in Ghana and Implementation Challenges 225


Mercy Akrofi Ansah                                                                        

Reminiscing the Contribution of a Pioneer of the Development of the Twi Language: Clement Anderson Akrofi 244


Contributors to this Issue 267

Preferred Format for References  270


Author Biography

Ọbádélé B Kambon, University of Ghana - Institute of African Studies

Dr. Ọbádélé Kambon completed his PhD in Linguistics at the University of Ghana in 2012, winning the prestigious Vice Chancellor's award for the Best PhD Thesis in the Humanities. He also won the 2016 Provost's Publications Award for best article in the College of Humanities. He is a Senior Research Fellow and Head of the Language, Literature and Drama Section of the Institute of African Studies at the University of Ghana. Dr. Kambon is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Ghana Journal of Linguistics as well as Secretary of the African Studies Association of Africa. His website is


Table of Contents



How to Cite

Kambon, O. B. (2018). Table of Contents. Ghana Journal of Linguistics, 7(2), i-v.

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