Inside Back Cover
Guidelines for Contributors
inside, cover, backAbstract
PLEASE follow these guidelines closely when preparing your paper for submission. The editors reserve the right to reject inadequately prepared papers. All areas of linguistics are invited ? the journal is not limited to articles on languages of or in Ghana or Africa.
ALL CONTRIBUTIONS must be submitted in English (except for special issues reserved for African languages), in electronic format to the current Editor-in-Chief, via our website at Authors should be sure to keep hard and soft copies for their own future reference. Articles should not exceed 10,000 words in length. They should be written in a text format or a recent version of Word (.docx format is preferred). PDF format is not acceptable. If using Microsoft Word, authors should anonymize their papers using the Inspect Document function to remove document properties and personal information prior to submitting to the journal.
TITLE PAGE: The article ? anonymised in Word or similar word-processing program ? should have a separate title page including the title and the author?s name in the form it should appear in print, with full contact information including mailing address, phone numbers and email address. This page should also include a brief biographical note giving current academic or professional position and field of research interest.
THE FIRST PAGE of the article should contain the title but not the author?s name. It should begin with an ABSTRACT of the paper, in English. A French version of the abstract in addition is very welcome.
LANGUAGE EXAMPLES: All examples must be in a Unicode font and Bold. Times New Roman that comes with Word 2010 (but not earlier versions) is Unicode and may be used for occasional words cited in the text, if diacritics are few. More extensive examples with glossing and translation should be in Doulos SIL, although Charis SIL is acceptable. Doulos SIL and Charis SIL can be downloaded from All such examples should be indented and numbered. Glossing should follow the Leipzig Glossing Rules. These may be found at
Note that glossing alignment should be done by the use of the TAB key rather than the space bar.
Translations of examples should be in single quotation marks.
QUOTATIONS from other authors should be used sparingly. Any quotation less than two lines long should be within double quotation marks (???) and not separated from the text. Quotations within quotations should be within single quotation marks (???). Longer quotations may be set out as a paragraph, indented .5? on both sides. The source reference should come immediately after the quotation or in the sentence immediately before it. Paragraphs should be spaced at Exactly 14 pt and the first line of paragraphs should be indented .5?.
FIGURES, TABLES AND DIAGRAMS should be created in such a way that they will fit legibly into a print space of 7.5? by 5.9?, and the same for PHOTOGRAPHS. Margins of the paper should be 1? from Top, 3? from Bottom, and 1.25? on the left and right.
FOOTNOTES (not endnotes) should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. They should not contain full references.
CITATIONS of references in the notes or in the text (citations within the text are preferred) should include author?s last name, the date of publication and the relevant page numbers, eg. (Chomsky 1972: 63-5). There should be a separate list of References, in which all items cited in text and notes are listed in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author. For further information on format please see the Preferred Format for References.
PLEASE follow these guidelines closely when preparing your paper for submission. The editors reserve the right to reject inadequately prepared papers. All areas of linguistics are invited ? the journal is not limited to articles on languages of or in Ghana or Africa.
ALL CONTRIBUTIONS must be submitted in English (except for special issues reserved for African languages), in electronic format to the current Editor-in-Chief, via our website at Authors should be sure to keep hard and soft copies for their own future reference. Articles should not exceed 10,000 words in length. They should be written in a text format or a recent version of Word (.docx format is preferred). PDF format is not acceptable. If using Microsoft Word, authors should anonymize their papers using the Inspect Document function to remove document properties and personal information prior to submitting to the journal.
TITLE PAGE: The article ? anonymised in Word or similar word-processing program ? should have a separate title page including the title and the author?s name in the form it should appear in print, with full contact information including mailing address, phone numbers and email address. This page should also include a brief biographical note giving current academic or professional position and field of research interest.
THE FIRST PAGE of the article should contain the title but not the author?s name. It should begin with an ABSTRACT of the paper, in English. A French version of the abstract in addition is very welcome.
LANGUAGE EXAMPLES: All examples must be in a Unicode font and Bold. Times New Roman that comes with Word 2010 (but not earlier versions) is Unicode and may be used for occasional words cited in the text, if diacritics are few. More extensive examples with glossing and translation should be in Doulos SIL, although Charis SIL is acceptable. Doulos SIL and Charis SIL can be downloaded from All such examples should be indented and numbered. Glossing should follow the Leipzig Glossing Rules. These may be found at
Note that glossing alignment should be done by the use of the TAB key rather than the space bar.
Translations of examples should be in single quotation marks.
QUOTATIONS from other authors should be used sparingly. Any quotation less than two lines long should be within double quotation marks (???) and not separated from the text. Quotations within quotations should be within single quotation marks (???). Longer quotations may be set out as a paragraph, indented .5? on both sides. The source reference should come immediately after the quotation or in the sentence immediately before it. Paragraphs should be spaced at Exactly 14 pt and the first line of paragraphs should be indented .5?.
FIGURES, TABLES AND DIAGRAMS should be created in such a way that they will fit legibly into a print space of 7.5? by 5.9?, and the same for PHOTOGRAPHS. Margins of the paper should be 1? from Top, 3? from Bottom, and 1.25? on the left and right.
FOOTNOTES (not endnotes) should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper. They should not contain full references.
CITATIONS of references in the notes or in the text (citations within the text are preferred) should include author?s last name, the date of publication and the relevant page numbers, eg. (Chomsky 1972: 63-5). There should be a separate list of References, in which all items cited in text and notes are listed in alphabetical order according to the surname of the first author. For further information on format please see the Preferred Format for References.

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How to Cite
The Ghana Journal of Linguistics is published by the Linguistics Association of Ghana, P. O. Box LG 61, Legon, Accra, Ghana.
LAG Email: Website:
GJL Email: Website:
© Linguistics Association of Ghana and individual authors, 2023.